
Completed Dentures

Dentures or false teeth are a removable replacement for missing teeth. These false teeth replace our natural teeth in a jaw. However, before this replacement, several examinations are done. Dentists review if the jaw bone is properly shaped and if it isn't, the patient undergoes a minor oral surgery. In addition, the bite is measured and impressions are taken before designing and fabricating a perfectly sized denture. Once a denture is ready, we make sure that the patient feels comfortable with it and there are no issues of very tight or loose. To further assist our patients, we provide them home care instructions as well.

Partial Denture

Partial dentures, on the other hand, are also removable but are used to fill the gap between two healthy teeth. The procedure of partial dentures is similar to complete or full dentures, which includes measuring bite, taking impressions, and checking the fitting of the denture in the mouth. In case of partial dentures, anchor teeth are shaped too. Once the patient gets his denture, we provide home care tips and instructions as well.

Removable implant-supported overdenture:

The new overdenture will have attachments, which snap or clip it into place. Your new teeth are firmly supported by the implants to stimulate the jaw and maintain bone. You will be able to remove the denture easily for cleaning.

Fixed dental implant-supported overdenture:

Your new teeth are firmly supported by the implants to stimulate the jaw and maintain bone. Your dentist can remove the denture when needed for maintenance and cleaning.